My Business

I have been working from home for 9 years now, Through my years of learning what it takes to be a simple at home business career woman. I have learned that it doesn't take rocket science to get ahead in life. We all struggle in different areas in our lives so my passion is to help others help themselves by providing the simple solutions to better their future while at the same time being there for the families and not having to sacrifice the little things in life that mean the most to us.I provide resources, information, and training to others so they can be successful building a business on or offline while all the time being there for there little ones or there teenagers in the critical time of life, also helping the ones that are facing retirement which is sometimes very scary for folks that don't have any means to retire on. My journey for the past 9 years have been a rewarding and blessing time for me and my family, just knowing that we don't have to be in worry of where the next meal ticket or bill paying is coming from. We have the freedom to know that our life has changed for the greater and we can always have that joy of knowing we dont' have to worry about job security anymore.

Here are some of the benefits of being self-employed or being an Independent Contractor with a home office as the primary “location” of your business:
  •  Set your own hours
  • Low to no overhead
  • Earn additional income while keeping your “day job”
  • Additional income can be used to fill in the gaps in your income to debt ratio
  •  If you already have a small business, finding a secondary means to fill in the gaps without taking away from what you currently do, can reduce the pressure experienced during seasonal fluctuations.
  •  Be there for your family
  • Work hard for yourself, instead of someone else
  • No additional commute
  • No overhead
  • Set up your work environment just the way you like it
  • You choose who to work with
  • Being your own boss is character building
  • No downsizing, or layoffs
  • YOU are in control of YOUR life
  •  There are huge tax advantages

Thanks for visiting and start helping yourself by making the CHANGE!
I always say, “If you want something out of life for your family and loved ones, you have to grab life by the horns and make it happen for yourself, not wait on someone else to do it for you!”